Card magic you can do anytime, anywhere, at a moment’s notice. All you need is any deck of cards and you’re ready to perform high-impact routines.
Impromptu Card Magicincludes fifteen easy to learn, easy to perform routines. No gimmicks, no setups, no difficult sleight of hand. This is amazing card magic with maximum effect, even though many of the routines are so easy they could be considered self-working.
Don’t let the simplicity of methods give you the wrong impression. The routines taught are professional caliber and can easily entertain and fool the most knowledgeable audiences.
Routines performed and explained:
- Guatemala (Aldo Colombini):Two cards are selected and placed between four kings. The cards vanish from between the kings and appear face up in the middle of the deck. Thirteen Down (Peter Duffie): You show the spectator a prediction that tells him where his selected card is in the deck.
- Acapulco (Aldo Colombini):A card is selected and lost in the deck. A second spectator selects a number and counts down to that number to find the original selection.
- Pair Faced (J. K. Hartman):A spectator cuts to a card that matches a prediction that was in full view.
- Atlantis (Aldo Colombini):Two Kings are used to find a selected card after the deck is shuffled face up and face down. Magically the Kings turn to be the only face up cards with the selection between them.
- Ambitious 1-2-3-4 (Roy Walton):A card is selected and the Ace through four are used in a routine where they keep rising to the top. As a kicker ending one of them changes places with the selection.
- Toccata (Aldo Colombini):A selected card is apparently found through luck, but when it is reversed is turns out to be the card that was placed aside at the beginning, while the card that was in full view turns into the selection.
- Bottoming Out Today (Marty Kane):A funny routine where two cards are selected and you start spelling the days of the week until you reach today and find the two selections.
- Dual Zone (Aldo Colombini):Two mates are shown. One is placed in the deck the other on the table and they instantly change places.
- Central Reservation (Peter Duffie):A prediction is made and a card is selected. Amazingly they match.
- Persu-Ace-Ive (J. K. Hartman):Four Aces are are placed in different parts of the deck. One of them is placed face up in the middle. When the deck is spread all the Aces are now together and face up.
- False Memory (Aldo Colombini):The deck is split in half and two cards are exchanged. When the deck is spread the two exchanged cards are now face up in the middle with the previously selected card between them.
- Matched! (Robin Robertson):Two cards are selected and placed between two face up cards for safe keeping. Amazingly the two cards used to protect the selections signal what the selections turn out to be.
- Eight Bites Is Enough (Jack Avis):A spectator points to one of eight cards and you quickly divine it one attribute at a time.
- Match Them Up (Karl Fulves):Sixteen cards are mixed and cut. Eight of the cards are initialed, mixed and dealt into two packets. A packet of signed cards and a packet of unsigned cards. When the top two cards of each packet are revealed they are seen to match – every card in the two packets now matches in value.
With this DVD and any borrowed deck of cards you can instantly perform card magic that looks absolutely impossible. No matter what level of skill you’ve achieved, you’ll find routines you can quickly add to your repertoire.
Running TimeApproximately 70min
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