
Akronym (App) by Yves Doumergue and Conjuring Lab

Original price was: $100.00.Current price is: $50.00.

SKU: QPW291185491 Category:


Impromptu, reliable, and phenomenal.

Imagine this: A spectator, Jade, rolls an imaginary die, and decides that the result is 3. Then, with her phone, she consults any Wikipedia article out of millions, for example The Beatles. She sees that there are links to other pages, in this case Liverpool, Rock, John Lennon, Album, etc… Then, she clicks on a link to navigate randomly from page to page; all her choices are noted down gradually.

For example:

  • Majority
  • Statistics
  • Radio
  • Species

The magician then circles the 3rd letter of each word, to reveal JADE.

Key Points:

  • This is not an app!
  • There is nothing to download, secretly install, or update.
  • Completely original effect.
  • Your spectators have never seen a similar effect, which allows you to stand out from other mentalists who mostly perform mind-reading.
  • The phone is borrowed.
  • You can perform it in any circumstances, it only requires a spectator to have a phone with an internet connection.
  • You have nothing to hide.


  • is natural and fluid to perform. All actions are performed in front of the spectators. You never have to hide the phone screen, no NFC tag, QR code, or strange URL to secretly type. The spectator will suspect absolutely nothing.
  • Nothing in your pockets, 7-minute routine.
  • You don’t have to carry anything with you, not even your own mobile phone. Whether you’re in close-up, on stage, or in a situation where you didn’t even plan to perform something, you have a 7-minute routine at your disposal.
  • Leave a personalized memento for your spectators.
  • Tear off the notepad page with the spectator’s first name and leave it as a souvenir.
  • Ideal personalized revelation for a company.
  • Reveal the name of a company from several words chosen by different collaborators. It’s the perfect effect!
  • Visual effect.

Visual effects are always more memorable for spectators, but are unfortunately rare in mentalism. The final image ofAkronymalone tells the story of the trick and its impossibility.

Akronym FAQ:

What will I receive?

Private and personal access to theAkronymsystem. It allows you to perform the routine on any borrowed smartphone. A quick video tutorial for immediate understanding, and a detailed video to present the psychological subtleties of the routine, presentation possibilities, etc… A manual that allows you to easily find the basic procedure to performAkronym.

Does Akronym require secret preparation?

There is no secret preparation, and you don’t even have to activateAkronymbefore you start.

Do I need to have my phone with me?

No, and you can even performAkronymif you don’t own a mobile phone (we know, it’s unlikely).

Do I need to know the spectator’s first name before starting Akronym?


How can I ensure that everything is working well before/during the routine?

Throughout the performance, you receive feedback that assures you everything is working as you desire. This makes it a very comfortable routine to perform. No more anxiety about wondering if everything is working correctly.

In which language can I perform Akronym?

Currently,Akronymcan be performed in English, French, Italian, German and Spanish.

Can I performAkronymon TV or social media?

No, broadcasting rights are not included. If you intend to broadcastAkronymon any channel, please contact us directly.


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